Second Origin

A Woman Repopulate the World With a Boy

Story Of Last Surviving Girl on Earth

Sushil Kumar 💝❤️
13 min read4 days ago


A Woman Repopulate the World With a Boy. Story Of Last Surviving Girl on Earth
A Woman Repopulate the World With a Boy. Story Of Last Surviving Girl on Earth

Today, I am going to talk about Second Origin.

This story is set in a time when almost all humans in the world were wiped out in one stroke. Only one girl was left alive, and she had a child with her. The story begins with a child named Dede, who is fixing a car with a mechanic. The radio starts playing, and news reports that the temperature is gradually increasing, and there is an emergency across the world. The mechanic shuts down the car and says it’s all nonsense. He jokes that if such things are happening, aliens must be on their way.

We then meet a girl named Alba, who is traveling to meet her father, Dara. As soon as she reaches her father’s location, she takes out her phone and starts recording everything. Her father is living inside a cave. When she enters the cave, she notices how cold the weather has become. Her father appears, and Alba starts asking him what is happening. He explains that a major disaster is approaching — the temperature is slowly changing, and it seems that nature is trying to tell us something. He believes that humans are doing something very wrong, and now nature will strike back. Alba brushes it off lightly and asks what else he would like to share. He begins explaining the research…



Sushil Kumar 💝❤️

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